Sunday, August 21, 2011

Story Circles for the Flannelboard

Oh my goodness!  I am so happy I happened upon a discussion on the Teach Preschool Facebook page yesterday!  Kimberly K. mentioned using milk filters for flannelboard pieces.  I assumed she had had to go through the process of hand drawing and coloring the pictures onto the milk filters as I described HERE.

Oh, but NOOOO, she simply cuts the large circles to paper size and puts them right through her printer!!!!  I was intrigued!  I ran up to Farm and Fleet (I live about 5 min. away) and proceeded to look for the large milk filters.

After asking several people and searching several isles, I realized that they only sold the smaller circles (6 1/2 inch) and had discontinued selling the larger circles.  UGH...I decided for $3.00 I would go ahead and buy the smaller circles and see what I could do with them.  (NOTE: They discontinued them at the store by MY house, but they do still sell them on-line HERE and at many of the other Farm and Fleet stores.)

After experimenting, I realized I could put a small loop of tape on the back of one of the milk filter circles and attach it to a piece of printer paper.  The milk filter slid right through and the picture printed to the filter itself!  Who came UP with this idea!? 

I proceeded to make pieces for Old McDonald Had a Farm by printing out clip art animals and a barn!  (I found that many of the on-line flannelboard pieces come as groups of 2 or 3 images...which wouldn't work with the small filters.  Clip art worked better because I could adjust the size and print one image at a time.  They still end up large enough for use on a flannelboard.  You just need to print one at a time.) 

Then I hit on an interesting way to create sequencing circles for children to sequence the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  I found pictures for the story, copied these into a word document and wrote the story below each picture.  Basically creating a sort of circular book for the flannelboard.  I was excited to see that the picture goes a bit off the circular filter making it look like it is in some type of frame!

The children can listen to the story and follow along.  Then after repeated readings they can sequence the events in the story with the pictures on their own during center time.  Usually flannelboard pieces are simply made of pictures.  My hope is that the children will notice the print and pretend to "read" the story that they know well as they are sequencing the pictures.

Just another way to encourage those pre-reading skills!


  1. These are super cool! I am keeping an eye out for the milk filters!!

  2. @Deborah- now that I know that they go through the printer I'm excited to see what else I could do with them!

  3. Are you kidding me!? I think this is going to be one of those life changing, time saving, amazing ideas you're so happy you find! so excited :)


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