
So glad you could stop by and take this long walk down the school hallway with us! :)  I'm Pam and I've been a preschool teacher for the last 11 years.  I have a BA in Early Childhood Education/Special Ed.  I am currently looking into masters programs in early childhood education.   Although, where exactly does one find the TIME to begin something like this!!!

I consider myself an early childhood teacher, first and foremost!  However, my niche currently involves working with children with special needs.  Through this experience I have learned so much!  I've come to believe even more firmly that there are countless "correct" ways to teach and just as many "correct" ways to learn!  Each child is unique and learns best in his or her own way. 

I've had the opportunity to explore the use of assistive technology for many of the children I work with.  I've worked with specialists who have given me new ideas to use with children.  I've created countless communication boards and picture cues, schedules and prompts.  I've had the opportunity to learn how to create video modeling clips; which was a huge challenge, but incredibly rewarding!  I've written some very basic social stories for children.  I've become quite creative at creating mini- direct teaching moments for children who require more direct teaching in order to learn social, behavioral, cognitive and self-help skills.

At the base of everything though, is an attempt to create the most "typical" early childhood experience for the children in my classroom as possible!   We enjoy exploring many art, nature and sensory experiences every day.  Though the children may each participate in their own unique way; their love for this type of exploration is just as big as any other child!   Of course, we also read lots of books, sing tons of songs and learn how to play with other children. 

Basically, my classroom is very similar to any other early childhood classroom.  We may do more one on one work.  We may work on self help skills more often.  We may use additional supports to explore our world.  But, we explore it just as fully as any other preschool child! 

So, there you have it!  Our classroom, in a nutshell!  Thanks for stopping by!  We love having visitors!  We love it even more when you leave a comment!   Now, we're back to making our way down this incredibly long hallway! :)


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