Sunday, August 10, 2014

Just Look What I Found! MORE Pringles Can Ideas!

Do you remember my 5 Green and Speckled Frogs that I made, and now have used for YEARS!?  Well, needless to say, these poor frogs and log really are just about to fall apart.  But, what else is there to do with a Pringles can, construction paper and bath toys?  Oh, do I have the answer for you!

I can't even tell you how excited I am to share this with you!  I came across Laura from Differentiation Station Creations who took my basic idea and RAN with it!  She has created several new ideas using this same basic concept.  Bumblebees, sharks and puppies...oh, my!  Now, these ideas may be more elementary classroom in nature, but can be adapted for younger students as well.   

Seriously, if you like the 5 green and Speckled Frog idea, you will love these other ideas!  You really have to check them out!  Now, I'm off to eat a few more Pringles!

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