Monday, February 7, 2011

The Lazy Teacher's Chocolate (Hot Cocoa) Playdough!

I got the great idea of making chocolate play-dough and making pretend chocolate candies from "Counting Coconuts."  But by the time I got around to making the chocolate play-dough, I realized I had NO regular cocoa powder in the house and I really didn't want to take the time to make homemade play-dough!  I know, I know,  LAZY!   (I had already been to the Dollar Store, Target, Walmart, Walgreen's and a craft store....I was NOT about to go out again!)
So, I used what I had!  I had two containers of brown play dough:  Play-Doh brand play dough.  I had packets of Nestle hot cocoa mix (rich milk chocolate).  I basically poured a packet of hot cocoa mix on a plate and kneaded the dry mix into the brown play-dough. 

I used 2 packets of hot cocoa mix for one container of play-dough.  Now, I'm SURE the homemade chocolate play-dough probably smelled better than my version (You know that play-do smell?  It still retained a bit of this smell.)  But, it DID smell surprisingly like chocolate! 
I brought several more packets of hot cocoa mix to school with my second container of brown play-dough so the children could help mix and knead this into the dough themselves.  So, for anyone else who is lazy out there- this really does work!  And basically just takes enough time to knead the hot cocoa mix into the play-dough!

*****This has been linked to...
Every Day Sensory Play


  1. Cute idea! I have to ask though....was there any near misses with your little one trying to eat the playdoh? I saw this idea on Counting Coconuts also but was wondering about how appetizing it might be ;)

  2. wow where you last week . great idea . i will remember this ..

  3. Thank goodness, there's someone else who functions like I do. Thanks for sharing!

  4. @Stephanie- I was a bit worried about someone trying to eat the playdough as well...but no one even tried! (I would definitely keep a close eye on the kids though, just in case! :)

  5. @mom4-glad you liked the idea...I really just came up with the "lazy" part :)

    @Marlise- there is something to be said for those of us who choose the lazy way every once in a while :)

  6. Love this! I love giving my preschoolers scented playdough to play with - I make it and colour it with koolaid powder. I've only had one or two kids try to eat it, but it tastes so disgusting they soon learn not to! And your playdough is non-toxic, so if they do get a bit in their tummies, they'll live. ;)

  7. Well, I think this is ingenious, not lazy! Some of the best ideas come about by 'making do' with what is available. :) Looking forward to giving it a go.

  8. This is a great last minute idea! I'm sure the kids loved it. I've included your post on my weekly favorites here:

  9. Genius!! Guess we'll be adding cocoa to our play dough too : )

  10. @MaryLea- LOL- not sure I'd call it genius, but thanks :) I actually got a little curious about whether this would work with other "flavorings" in store bought playdough! I may have to experiment a bit and see what else works! (could be interesting in my kitchen!)

  11. Thanks for the idea...I sometimes add strawberry essence to my pink play off a wonderful scent..!!

  12. The lazy way for making hot cocoa playdough is brilliant! Thanks for linking up today!

  13. I love the chocolate playdough in the candy box :) One year, my kinders and I made gingerbread smelly playdough at school with all the salt etc. We put ground ginger, ground nutmeg and ground cinnamon in it. They did it and watched me do it and after reminding them that although it smelled really good, it would not taste good, they tried to eat it anyway. The looks on their faces....


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