Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 Green and Speckled Frogs

This is one of my most often used, most loved by the children and definitely, my favorite song prop!  This is simply a Pringles can covered with construction paper.  I drew black "speckles" on the construction paper and then wrapped the entire thing with contact paper.  I then added Velcro squares to the side of the can. 

I bought some plastic frog bath toys and added Velcro squares to the bottom of the frogs (I think it took me 2 sets of frog bath toys for this).  I added some Sharpie marker spots to the frogs and stuck them to the Velcro on the can!

This is the perfect prop to use with "5 Green and Speckled Frogs"  Below is the song, in case you've forgotten it! 

5 Green and Speckled Frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool.
Than there were 4 green speckled frogs,
Croak, croak...
(continue with 4,3,2,1 frogs)

The children LOVE to help take the frogs off as we sing the song and stuff them back into their "log" (of course, you could have some blue felt on the floor for the "pool", but the children in my room seem to just love stuffing them into the "log"!) 
Another added benefit:  all five of the frogs fit into the "log" with just a bit of it makes a wonderful storage container for the prop as well! 

(This was originally posted on my previous blog- which has since been deleted- but I love this so much, I decided to write a blog post about it again. :)


  1. thanks :) the kids absolutely love these :)

  2. I taught preschool for many years,and am an ECE major...awesome! Love the frogs!! love your blog! Thanks!! found your blog on Montessori Now!

  3. @Jen- so glad you found my blog! These frogs are one of the easiest props to make- doesn't take much to make them- just need to be willing to eat a can of Pringles...and buy some bath toys :)

  4. sooo great! now to finish my pringles

  5. LOL- I think I could make about 25 of problem eating the pringles for me :)

  6. Hi, I came across your blog while looking for ideas for a frog storytime. I love your Five Speckled frogs!

    I would like to invite you to link your post up on my Frog ABC’s Blog Hop. My blog is for librarians, teachers, caregivers, grandparents, and parents of young children who love exploring topics with children through Activities, Books, Crafts, and Snacks (ABC’S). I think your post fits in beautifully with the Activity part of the ABC’S, don’t you?

    You will find the Blog Hop here:

    I hope you will link up with us!

  7. Nothin' like a good reason to get Pringles! I can barely wait to try this.. if it weren't already 11:30pm I'd go to the store now! Thank you so much for sharing your idea, I know my kiddos (preschool ones) will absolutely love this, they already like the felt version!! I have a CD with the song and this will be perfect for my rising second grade Granddaughter to do with the class when she visits! :)

  8. Those Pringles cans are so versatile! If I bought this through an educational product catalog it would cost a pretty penny. Your creativity will permit me to have a great fingerplay prop AND save money. Thank you for including the rhyme in your post.

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