Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last Day of Vacation Blues

It's January 2nd and I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a tough one!  You know what I'm talking about: actually having to get up BEFORE ten in the morning! Actually having to get dressed and out of my P.J.'s BEFORE noon. Oh, the horror of it all!

We're back to school tomorrow. We're back to 6 AM....hit the snooze button several times. We're back to yawning and feeling out of sorts until lunch time. And, darn it, we're back to eating healthy.

Yes, I have to do it. I have no choice. I have eaten out ONE (Ok, maybe two or three) too many times over my break. If I don't stop now, my jeans won't fit much longer!

You know the commercial with the lady in the red coat who is mistaken for Santa Clause by the reindeer? You do? Well, soon that will be me.

So, here's to all those PJ mornings, fast food lunches, couch potato afternoons, stay up late evenings and general relaxation. I will miss you. I will miss you more than you know! And, welcome back real life.


  1. Oh my goodness! You sound exactly like me -- I could have written this! Nice to have discovered your blog today! I look forward to reading more.

  2. Karen- glad you could relate- that first day back is always the hardest! Thanks for stopping by on the blog- hope to see you back here!
