Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Bagel Bird and Squirrel Feeders"

OH, we had so much fun today!  We took a 35 minute ('round trip' :) walk around the neighborhood near our school and to a small ravine.  We saw a rabbit, lots of squirrels, birds, a cat in a window, animal tracks, ice on the creek and many different trees.
We stopped several times to be very quiet and hear birds.  One time we heard an unusual bird call.  The children speculated that it may be a woodpecker or...a peacock!  The children were pretty sure there was water under the ice on the creek and and were very excited to see the animal tracks on the sidewalk.  They also found a hole in the ground.  They thought it might be a home for ants, a worm, a snake or an elephant!

When we got back to the classroom we printed out the photos we took and laminated them.  We talked to the children about the animals we saw and heard on our walk.  We also talked about how difficult it is for the animals to find food when it is cold outside.
We decided we would help the animals find some food near our school.  We made bagel bird and squirrel feeders.  

The children spread lots of peanut butter on their bagel, then stuck cranberries, popcorn and sunflower seeds to the peanut butter. 

Originally, the idea was to put yarn through the hole in the bagel and hang the bird feeders.  As you can see, the children loved putting on all the items so much that we couldn't see the bagel hole anymore!  So, we decided we would just lay these flat on the ground around the trees for the birds and squirrels.  As one child said,  "My bird is going to have a FEAST!"

When we finished, we had 2 trays filled with bagel bird and squirrel feeders.  HUGE bagel bird and squirrel feeders...piled high with yummy things for birds and squirrels to eat. 
We went to the front of the school and the children put the bagel bird feeders around the trees.  Several children even found a small crevice in one of the trees and decided to put their bagel bird feeders in this.  They thought the squirrels might live in this hole.  Some of the children even called into the hole:  "Squirrel, Squirrel!"  Apparently, they wanted to make sure the squirrels knew that we had left food for them!
We will have to check tomorrow to see if any food is left! 

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